Friday, December 22, 2006

Guilty Pleasure

Merry Freakin Christmas and Happy Hollydaze from Spin!!!!

I am still a total child and I don't care. So there. Nyah.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Bitches, please.

I have a rant that I need to get out, to let go of. I hate christmas, I hate the holidays. The only thing I like about it is the fact is that I get a little paid time off to goof off and scratch my butt in the privacy of my own home.

Frequently I run over to the mall, which is right across from where I work, to walk about and stretch my legs because I sit at a desk all day and well, I need to move and get a change of scenery. My usual obstacles include mallstitues, trophy- and cow-wives dragging their fuck trophies about and old people who feel entitled to take up the entire ailse instead of moving off to the handy and convenient side for everyone's mobility.

Christmas increases these obstacles to the point where I am ready to go on a killing rampage and/or round up some homeless people and set them loose in the mall.

I simply hate people who think they are entitled. They piss me off. I don't care about your christmas or whatever you celebrate. And no, the reason for the season, you fucktard, is the SUN. Everything anyone celebrates is all rooted from the fact that the winter solstice occurs every year at the same time, the day usually looking dreary and grey. Ancient man, before he started writing things down, celebrated this seasonal marker where the days would begin the lengthen. Get over it.

And you Trophy- and Cow-wives with your really believe that you are entitled, hell, it's even your right to reproduce.....fuck you. You have a right to a dick in your ass. You are just in the majority of women who wants somebody else to take care of them and not take care of themselves. If you are so certain that reproducing is your right, then you should pay for that fucktrophy all by yourself. Pay for it all. No crying to anyone that you can't afford medicine, no crying to any shape of government that you need to educate your monstrocity. You want it yourself, you deal with all of it yourself. Shut the hell up and quite using reproduction as a weapon. Having the equipment doesn't give you anything.

And you little pissant mallstitutes/fucktrophies/trophy-wife/cow-wife in training: you will be fat one day, it happens to everyone. Especially you. How are you going to deal with it?

At least this is a temporary scene and in a few weeks it will all die down. I just needed to clear the air and I feel better now.

Merry fuckin Xmas.
Now get out of my way.

Page Six Blind Items!!!

Just Asking

WHICH veteran baseball player's wife is worried he will start up another affair? The long-suffering missus demanded he switch to a team 1,500 miles away when she caught him the last time . . .

WHICH "socialite" has high-society circles buzzing that she originally joined their inner circle as a high-class hooker? . . .

WHICH young starlet will never be invited back on Oprah? The night before her taping, she stayed out until 5 a.m. and then showed up to the studio an hour late stinking of booze . . .

WHICH notoriously angry supermodel has been seen attending AA meetings (but not anger- management meetings) at a temple on the Upper East Side?


Mary, please...

Andy Pettite

Kathy Hilton

Lindsay Lohan

Naomi Cambell