Monday, April 1, 2013

Spin Sycle for Tuesday, April 2 2013

Hey Syclers, what's up!!!

You know, it was just a matter of time before one of those fools from Buckwild turned up dead.  If your deathpool landed on April Fool's day, please come forward to collect your prize.

If you hate Kate Gosselin, you're about to be outed

Weight Watchers?  But of Kourse

Mike Tyson to have his face tat removed

This is for Kimye:

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Spin Sycle Easter Edition

Happy bunnies and eggs day, Syclers!!!  Some funny ish that is going on!!

Kanye West may be the most magnificent troll in history.  Who else would name their baby Khrist?

Don't forget that Game of Thrones is back tonight!!

Wish I could afford it!

Justin Bieber is disgusting

Jeremy Renner is father to a little girl

There's a Wonder Woman porno.

Here's some Peter Frampton for your day: