Sunday, October 4, 2009


David Letterman won't be in trouble for jack. Nikki Finke explains why:

So I'll say what other media haven't the guts to point out as they speculate on whether CBS will investigate David Letterman's single man sex with staffers at his independent production company Worldwide Pants: This fish stinks from the head. CBS boss Les Moonves professionally and personally crossed the line of propriety when, of all the women in the world from which to choose, he began an adulterous affair with a network underling, The Early Show’s co-anchor Julie Chen, and broke up his 24-year marriage in the process. Not only did Viacom bigwig Sumner Redstone overlook that, but the old coot himself over the years, whether he was married or not, openly shtupped one of his producer girlfriends while she had Paramount and/or CBS deals. Which are all violations of so many corporate codes of conduct that I don’t think I can count that high.

*Too many people in Hollywood are busy fucking other people....too many fingers to point.*

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