Saturday, February 13, 2010

Tila finally STFU!!!

and it took a knock against the wall to do it!!  Thank you wall!!  from radaronline:

Reality TV star Tila Tequila was hospitalized after banging her head, has confirmed.
The drama appeared to begin around midnight when Tila twittered: “i just fell off of my chair, slammed my head into the wall and heard the back of my skull crack. theres a dent in it now!”

Early Saturday Tila tweeted that she called an ambulance and it was on the way to her house

At approximately 6 am EST time this message appeared on Tila’s Twitter account: “This is Tila’s Agent. Tila had a concussion & isnt doing well. Please send her your prayers. Shes at the hospital&wont be on Twitter 4 a while.” has confirmed that Tila did bang her head and was rushed to the hospital. We’ve also learned that she was treated and is now back home.

*Why does someone who claims to be pregnant do such stupid shit?  Prepare for "miscarriage" announcement in 3, 2 , 1....*


Update from TMZ:

Tila Tequila believes something is horribly wrong with the unborn child she claims is growing inside her belly -- and now she's threatening to kill herself if she miscarries.

It all started around 8:00 AM -- when Tila posted the following message on her Twitter page: "I just woke up in the middle of the night cuz im having these intense sharp pains in my belly."

Several minutes later, Tila added, "Something is definitely wrong. The hospital gave me a list of symptoms & this is one of them."

Suddenly, Tila began writing several messages about suicide, claiming, "I told my friend I would just kill myself if anything ever happened."

In her latest message, Tila claims she's going to try to sleep it off ... before she hops on a 22 hour flight to Australia.

Read more:

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