Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Spin Sycle for Wednesday November 3 2011

Let's see what we have today, Syclers!  How about a blind item or two:

[CDAN] This one was a shocker to even my jaded self. Two co-stars. Network show. Both married. Both B+ listers with very long careers. Lots of bad luck with shows in the past although each has struck gold at one point. I cannot even fathom the two of them together, but they are. Like all over each other on a daily basis. When the crew started noticing what was going on, I think they were all just as crushed as I am. To [sic] great families being torn apart by a couple of people who wanted some sex with each other.  *Spin's note - Both parties are married, keep that in mind*

 "Why would someone get married simply to get divorced? Money. Fame. Her romances make the front page of every tabloid, and her weddings will make more money than they cost. Since she has no discernible talent, she will use what she has to make and stay in the headlines. She believes that a rotating door of romances and grooms will keep her in the spotlight long after most stars burn out. When you have such lofty ambitions, it helps to have lofty goals. Her close family and friends know about these goals (although many of them don't approve). What are those goals? 1. Babies with more than one wealthy baby daddy. 2. More marriages than Elizabeth Taylor." [Blind Gossip] *Soooo obvious*

This actor and actress couple is about to hit another bump. The producers of an upcoming film in which the couple stars have had a change of heart. They want to replace the wife with another actress (who we agree would be much better in the role). The replacement has been personally and professionally involved with the couple in the past, and is one of the few people who knows all the dirty details about the couple’s marriage… as well as their upcoming divorce. There are an awful lot of secrets that all three of these people could use against each other, so if somebody’s toes get stepped on, it will be interesting to see who starts talking first. (Blind Gossip) *A Scitard couple maybe?*

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