Saturday, February 17, 2007

Britney Update

This off of, click on the headline for a link to the ABC news video:


Britney admitted to hospital My uncle is a nurse at CSMC and texted me 10 minutes ago saying Britney Spears was admitted about an hour ago. He's going to text me when he finds out why and any more information. I'm scared! I don't know what's going on with her.

I don't have many details. My uncle called and said she just left. He didn't see her or deal with her, one of his friend co-workers was around her for a minute. Somebody she was with brought her there and admitted her. His friend said she acted like she wasn't "there" and seemed disturbed. Because it's confidental, he doesn't know what she was admitted for or what she saw the doctor about, but because she's already gone home, that usually means nothing major. Oh, almost forgot, she was wearing a dark colored wig.

I can't explain what it is that bothers me so much about this.....To me it makes no girl would just go and shave all her hair off for no reason. Honestly, whatever happened to her, I hope Brit will be alright.

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