Saturday, December 3, 2011

Spin Sycle Weekend Edition

Hey Syclers!  Keeping busy?

Eddie Long's wife (you remember him, yet another preacher who was accused by several young men of coerced sex) filed for divorce, then removed then she's filed for divorce again.  Get a score card, this will be messy.

Seriously, where did the love go in R&B music?

Teen mom Farrah Abraham really needs to shut her mouth.  Oh fuck it, let the Kardashian media machine squash her.

HA HA  Ex Mrs. Charlie Sheen Brooke Mueller busted for Columbian marching powder possession

Beyonce wants you to know that she really is pregnant, fuck the haters

The Kardashian Media Machine wants you to know that they want to be taken seriously - KHLOE SMASH

Rachel Zoe wants to reproduce again

Here's Chris Lake's Sundown:

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