Monday, March 26, 2012

Spin Sycle for Tuesday, March 27 2012

Hey Syclers, what's up?  Having a good week so far?

Nicki Minaj and Madonna kiss.  Next.

Seems Madonna made DeadMau5 mad at some festival.  Look at all the fucks given. Oh yeah, raves have been around for forever, like the early 80's, along with X.  Deal with it.

I am so sick of all this Lindsay Lohan crap.  Is she paying people so she can stay relevant?

Uma Thurman is still pregnant

Blind Item:
This action star has been labeled a huge pain to work with and known for throwing temper tantrums on set. When directors push him to portray something other than a hardnosed hero, he will argue and whine before stomping off to his trailer where he will refuse to come out until the director apologizes.” [Hollywood Dame]

Spin's guess:  Bruce Willis

Listen to Best Coast's new single, you'll want it for summer:

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