Friday, November 10, 2006

Well at least now she's thinking!

She wants no $$$ for J.J.'s photos! And you know this is just going to get nastier, right? But at least now we can go back to hating her for being too hot.


off of

Britney Spears really doesn't want K-Fed feeding off her anymore, so much so that she's willing to give away the first photos of her baby Jayden James for free – just to avoid having to satisfy little-known clause in the couple's pre-nup guarantees that Fed-Ex will get a portion of any proceeds from selling snaps.

According to Women's Wear Daily's Memo Pad column, the pop princess has decided to offer the pictures free, but not to the usual outlet for her photos, People. Instead, she'd like to follow in TomKat's footsteps and get them into a more highbrow monthly or bimonthly. People, for its part, says it would be "more than happy" to have the snaps.

Meanwhile, according to several ticketing websites, two of K-Fed's gigs, last night in Cleveland and tonight in Atlantic City, have been cancelled. The gigs in Federline's native southern California are still good to go, but they're not scheduled until just before Thanksgiving.

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